
At times going through life we lose vision in who we are… well I know I have before. When you are happy, confident and truly love yourself you don’t bother with unnecessary stress from others and yourself.

These are a few tips I have learnt to make you love yourself again.

  • Value and respect how special you are – No one can ever be or become you, You are the only one who think your thoughts the way you think them and look the way you do. That’s kind of a big deal!
  • Drown in assurance. – Rewire your brain to think differently. Having negative thoughts will only weigh you down and stop you from being someone big in life.When you mentally rehearse your new habits, you strengthen your ability to create them in your life.

(Write down a list of things you need to hear the most and say it through out the day, in your head, out loud.. anytime)

E.g I deserve and will receive all the good that life has to offer me.

I am a unique loving beautiful person.

  • Do things what you love – Find time to do what u want, or change something that is not making u happy. e.g Find a new job, go on holiday, buy new shoes… It doesn’t matter how big or small it is as long as it makes you personally happy that’s all that matters.
  • Let the love in – Receive compliments gracefully with a simple thank you. Say nice things about your body, dress it up, take it out, give it hot baths and massages, Move it, stretch it and hydrate it. The better our bodies feel the happier and more productive we are.

So start now, don’t let anyone or anything hold you back love yourself! β€οΈπŸ’πŸ½


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